Post By: Hanan Mannan
Contact Number: Pak (+92)-321-59-95-634

Contact Number: Pak (+92)-321-59-95-634
Add Formula to a Table - Microsoft Word 2010
Microsoft Word allows you to use mathematical formula in table cells which can be used to add numbers, to find average of numbers, or find the largest or smallest number in table cells you specify. There is a long list of formulas from which, a formula can be used based on the requirement. This chapter will teach you how to use formula in word tables.
Add a Formula:
Following are the simple steps to add formula in a table cell available in word document.
Step (1): Consider the following table where we will have total of the rows. Click in a cell that should contain the sum of a rows.
Step (2): Now click the Layout tab and then click Formula button which will display a Formula Dialog Box which will suggest a default formula, which is =SUM(LEFT) in our case. You can select a number format using Number Format List Box to display the result or you can change the formula usingFormula List Box.
Step (3): Now click OK to apply the formula and you will see that left cells have been added and its sum has been put in the total cell where we wanted to have it. You can repeat the procedure to have sum of other two rows as well.
Cell Formulas:
The Formula dialog box provides following important functions to be used as formula in a cell.
Formula | Description |
AVERAGE( ) | The average of a list of cells. |
COUNT( ) | The number of items in a list of cells |
MAX( ) | The largest value in a list of cells |
MIN( ) | The smallest value in a list of cells |
PRODUCT( ) | The multiplication of a list of cells |
SUM( ) | The sum of a list of cells |
If you are bit familiar with spreadsheet program, you can construct your word cell formula. Word formulas use a reference system to refer to individual table cells. Each column is identified by a letter, starting with A for the first column, B for the second column, and so on. After the letter comes the row number. Thus, the first cell in the first row is A1, the third cell in the fourth row is C4, and so on.
Following are usful points to help you in constructing word cell formula.
SN | Cell References and Description |
1 | A single cell reference, such as B3 or F7 |
2 | A range of cells, such as A4:A9 or C5:C13 |
3 | A series of individual cells, such as A3,B4,C5 |
4 | ABOVE, referring to all cells in the column above the current cell. |
5 | BELOW, referring to all cells in the column below the current cell. |
6 | LEFT, referring to all cells in the row to the left of the current cell |
7 | RIGHT, referring to all cells in the row to the right of the current cell |
You can also construct simple math expressions, such as B3+B5*10 by using simple mathematical operators +, -, /, *, %.
Table Borders & Shades - Microsoft Word 2010
Microsoft Word allows you to place a border on any or all of the four sides of a table very similar to text, paragraphs, and pages. You can also add many type of shading to table rows and columns. This chapter will teach you how to add any of the borders ( left, right, top or bottom) around a table and how to add different shadows to various rows and columns of the table.
Add Borders To Table:
Following are the simple steps to add borders in a table cell available in word document.
Step (1): Select the table to which you want to add border. To select a table, click over the table anywhere which will make Cross Icon visible at the top-left corner of the table. Just click this cross icon to select the table.
Step (2): Click the Border Button to display a list of options to put a border around the selected table. You can select any of the option available by simply clicking over it.
Step (3): Try to add and remove different borders like left, right top or bottom by selecting different options from the border options.
Step (4): You can apply border to any of the selected row or column. You can try it yourself.
Step (5): To delete the existing border, simply select No Border option from the border options.
Using Border Options:
You can add borders of your choice to word table by following the simple steps given below.
Step (1): Click the Border Button to display a list of options to put a border. Select Border and Shadingoption available at the bottom of list of the options as shown in above screen capture. This will display a Border and Shading dialog box. This dialog box can be used to set borders and shading around a selected table.
Step (2): Click Border tab which will display a list of border settings, styles and options whether this border should be applied to the table or text or paragraph.
Step (3): You can use Preview section to disable or enable left, right , top or bottom borders of the selected table or row or column. Follow the given instruction in preview section itself to design the border you like.
Step (4): You can customize your border by setting its color, width by using different width thickness available under style section.
Add Shades To Table:
Following are the similar steps to add shades on a selected table or its rows or columns.
Step (1): Select a row or column where you want to apply shade of your choice.
Step (2): Click the Border Button to display a list of options to put a border. Select Border and Shadingoption available at the bottom of list of the options. This will display a Border and Shading dialog box. This dialog box can be used to set borders and shading around selected row(s) or column(s).
Step (2): Click Shading tab which will display options to select fill, color and style and whether this border should be applied to cell or table or selected text.
Step (3): You can use Preview section to have an idea about the expected result. Once you are done, click OK button to apply the result.
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