Post By: Hanan Mannan
Contact Number: Pak (+92)-321-59-95-634
Contact Number: Pak (+92)-321-59-95-634
Resize a Table - Microsoft Word 2010
Microsoft Word allows to resize a table to make it smaller and bigger as per your requirement. This chapter will give you simple steps to resize a table.
Resize a Table:
Following are the simple steps to resize a table available in a word document.
Step (1): Bring your mouse pointer over the table which you want to resize. As soon as you bring your mouse pointer inside the table, a small Cross Icon will appear at the top-left corner and a small Resize Icon will appear at the bottom-right corner of the table as shown below.
Step (2): Bring mouse cursor over the Resize Icon till it changes to diagonal double sided arrow and this is the time when you need to press left mouse button and keep holding the button while resizing the table. Drag the table up to make it shorter or down to make it larger. You can drag the table diagonally to simultaneously change both the width and height of the table.
Merging Cells - Microsoft Word 2010
Microsoft Word allows merging two or more cells to create one large cell. You would frequently need to merge columns of the top row to create title of the table. You can merge cells either row-wise or column-wise, rather you cannot merge cells diagonally. This chapter will teach you how to merge multiple rows or columns.
Merging Cells:
Following are the simple steps to merge table cells in a word document.
Step (1): Bring your mouse pointer position inside the first cell you want to merge. Now press Shift key and click the cells around the cell which you want to merge into the first cell. This will highlight the cells which you click and they will be ready to be merged.
Step (2): Now click the Layout tab and then click Merge Cells Button which will merge all the selected cells.
After merging the cells, all the content of the cells will be scrambled which you can fix later as you like. For example, you can convert the merged cells text into title or some other description. For example, let us have center aligned and bigger font text as follows on top of the table.
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