Monday, 19 May 2014

Translate Document - Microsoft Word 2010 And Compare Documents - Microsoft Word 2010

Post By: Hanan Mannan
Contact Number: Pak (+92)-321-59-95-634

Translate Document - Microsoft Word 2010

Microsoft Word has an option to translate complete word document from one language to another language using simple step. Let us learn how we can translate document content from English to some other language (Spanish).

Translate Document Using Microsoft Translator:

Following are the simple steps to translate a document from one language to another language.
Step (1): Click the Review tab and then click Translate button which will display different options to be selected.
Translate Document
Step (2): Select Choose Translation Language option simply by clicking over it. This will display aTranslation Language Options dialog box asking for selecting from and to languages. Here From is the source document's language and To is the target document language.
Translation Language Options
Step (3): After slecting From Language and To Language, click OK. Now again go to Review tab and then click Translate button which will display different options to be selected. Select top optionTranslate Document option from the given options, this will display Translate Whole Document dialog box asking for your permission to send your document over the internet to be translated by Microsoft Translator.
Translate Whole Document
Step (4): If you are willing to translate your document then, you can click Send button which will send your document over the net to be translated and you will have your document translated in your target language.
Translated Document
Step (5): Now you can copy your translated content manually in any other document and save it for final use.

Compare Documents - Microsoft Word 2010

Sometime you modify a Microsoft Word document without opening track changing, in such case tracking the changes would become difficult and you would need to compare original document with modified document word by word. But you do not need to compare it manually, Microsoft Word provides an option to compare two documents very easily. Let us see how it can be done.

Compare Two Documents:

Let us have following two documents (a) Original document (b) Modified version of the same document as follows.

Original Document:

Original Document

Modified Document:

Modified Document
Following are the simple steps to compare these two documents.
Step (1): Click the Review tab and then click Compare button which will display two options to be selected.
Compare Option
Step (2): Select Compare option simply by clicking over it. This will display an Compare Documentsdialog box asking two versions of word documents which you want to compare with each other.
Compare Documents
Step (3): Select Original Document and Revised Document and click OK button to display the differences in two documents. Left column on the screen would show all the changes done over the course of changes and you will see original as well as modified version of the document on the same screen. You can walk through these changes using Previous & Next Button available under Review tab.
Documents Comparison
NOTE: While comparing two documents you can use different settings available at Compare Documents dialog box under the More button. You can try it yourself.