Post By: Hanan Mannan
Contact Number: Pak (+92)-321-59-95-634
Learn how to make a blog on or Blogspot.Blogger is the free Service by Google to publish blogs by Users.
Contact Number: Pak (+92)-321-59-95-634
Learn how to make a blog on or Blogspot.Blogger is the free Service by Google to publish blogs by Users.
As all we know today make money from website is become a fashion.Everyone who related to this field want to know how to make a blog on or Blogspot.Here i will tell how how you can setup your blog on blogger.Blogger is one of the easiest methods of creating and publishing a blog for free on internet.
As all we know every one wants to earn money.Now a days we heard to many persons that some one make thousands of dollars monthly from internet.And we curious to know how it is possible.
We search a lot and came to know that all searches point to one thing that is earning from Websites.
Procedure of how to make a blog on or Blogspot:
- First thing is need to have an gmail account.Go to Blogger website and sign up from there by using Gmail account.Fill the Information and complete the registration process.
- Click on new blog button and give the name or title and address of your blog.
- After Select the appropriate Template Click on Create Blog Button.
- WOW! you have successfully make your Blog on blogger.But it is not enough
.you need to make post and publish it.
- Click on New Post then choose sufficient title write high quality post and content with some pictures and make its content style better and in last publish it.
Great!!! now you need to publish contents and make your blog visibility better on Search Engine in order to get traffic.Traffic means Visitors.and Visitors means $$$.I hope this article is very useful for beginners who are new to blogs and want to earn money fast.If you have any problem and have any query feel free to comment us.
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