Post By: Hanan Mannan
Contact Number: Pak (+92)-321-59-95-634
LISP - Structures
Structures are one of the user-defined data type, which allows you to combine data items of different kinds.
Structures are used to represent a record. Suppose you want to keep track of your books in a library. You might want to track the following attributes about each book:
Book ID
Book ID
Defining a Structure
The defstruct macro in LISP allows you to define an abstract record structure. The defstruct statement defines a new data type, with more than one member for your program.
To discuss the format of the defstruct macro, let us write the definition of the Book structure. We could define the book structure as:
(defstruct book
Please note:
The above declaration creates a book structure with four named components. So every book created will be an object of this structure.
It defines four functions named book-title, book-author, book-subject and book-book-id, which will take one argument, a book structure, and will return the fields title, author, subject and book-id of the book object. These functions are called the access functions.
The symbol book becomes a data type and you can check it using the typep predicate.
There will also be an implicit function named book-p, which is a predicate and will be true if its argument is a book and is false otherwise.
Another implicit function named make-book will be created, which is a constructor, which, when invoked, will create a data structure with four components, suitable for use with the access functions.
The #S syntax refers to a structure, and you can use it to read or print instances of a book
An implicit function named copy-book of one argument is also defined that. It takes a book object and creates another book object, which is a copy of the first one. This function is called thecopier function.
You can use setf to alter the components of a book, for example
(setf (book-book-id book3) 100)
Create a new source code file named main.lisp and type the following code in it:
(defstruct book
( setq book1 (make-book :title "C Programming"
:author "Saira Qayyum"
:subject "C-Programming Tutorial"
:book-id "478"))
( setq book2 (make-book :title "Telecom Billing"
:author "Rabbia Ali"
:subject "C-Programming Tutorial"
:book-id "501"))
(write book1)
(write book2)
(setq book3( copy-book book1))
(setf (book-book-id book3) 100)
(write book3)
When you execute the code, it returns the following result:
#S(BOOK :TITLE "C Programming" :AUTHOR "Saira Qayyum" :SUBJECT "C-Programming Tutorial" :BOOK-ID "478")
#S(BOOK :TITLE "Telecom Billing" :AUTHOR "Rabbia Ali" :SUBJECT "C-Programming Tutorial" :BOOK-ID "501")
#S(BOOK :TITLE "C Programming" :AUTHOR "Saira Qayyum" :SUBJECT "C-Programming Tutor
The above declaration creates a book structure with four named components. So every book created will be an object of this structure.
It defines four functions named book-title, book-author, book-subject and book-book-id, which will take one argument, a book structure, and will return the fields title, author, subject and book-id of the book object. These functions are called the access functions.
The symbol book becomes a data type and you can check it using the typep predicate.
There will also be an implicit function named book-p, which is a predicate and will be true if its argument is a book and is false otherwise.
Another implicit function named make-book will be created, which is a constructor, which, when invoked, will create a data structure with four components, suitable for use with the access functions.
The #S syntax refers to a structure, and you can use it to read or print instances of a book
An implicit function named copy-book of one argument is also defined that. It takes a book object and creates another book object, which is a copy of the first one. This function is called thecopier function.
You can use setf to alter the components of a book, for example
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